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12 Tips

12 Revision Tips for Year 11 students

  1. Find a quiet space
  2. Draw up a revision timetable
  3. Spice up your revision
  4. Do plenty of past papers
  5. Make summary notes
  6. Watch videos/documentaries
  7. Listen to podcast
  8. Reward yourself
  9. Use your family and friends
  10. Exercise
  11. The day of your exam
  12. Think positive!


  1. Find a quiet space

Find somewhere quiet, give your mobile phone to your parents or simply leave it in another room so you will not be distracted. Start early in the morning when you are fresh and can concentrate for longer periods of time. Start well in advance so you are not cramming everything the night before.

  1. Draw up a revision timetable

Research shows that shorter 20-30 minute spells work best, because your concentration is much higher. We therefore recommend taking short, frequent breaks. So revise for 30 minutes, break for 10 minutes, then repeat again. We also advise to mix the order of the subjects. Have an aim for each short revision session. Get files or folders for each subject and start putting important information in as you revise. Ensure you have coloured pens, highlighters, flash cards, notebooks, A4 lined and blank paper, calculator, post its so you are ready. There are plenty of short online videos detailing how to make a revision timetable.

  1. Spice up your revision

Use a bit of colour! Drawing colourful learning mind maps, posters, key words cards will help you to memorise facts. Colourful notes are easier to memorise than plain black and white ones.

  1. Do plenty of past papers

Ask your teacher for some past papers or Google them yourself. Every exam board has a website with past papers, mark schemes and answers. So you can sit the paper and mark it to see how you have done. Make sure you know which topics to revise for every subject. Most exam boards nowadays put a lot of emphasis on exam technique and simply familiarising yourself with it before the exam can often save you time and help to earn marks at the exam.

  1. Make summary notes

Making notes is by far the best way to memorise lots of information. It may be tedious but the most successful candidates often make as many as three sets of the same notes in a run up to the exams which help them to memorise the required information. Use flash cards, mind maps, post it notes to help you make notes. Revisit your notes after a day, a week, a month to help to retain the information.

  1. Watch videos/documentaries online

This really helps to bring your notes alive and makes a break from reading and writing.

  1. Listen to podcasts

This is another way of having variety within your revision.

  1. Reward yourself

It is not all about the work; you need good breaks too. Take regular study breaks if you find that no new information is entering your head. People who manage to find the right balance between study and leisure are the ones who get the top marks. For instance treat yourself to your favourite snack or use social media for a limited time. Work hard, play not-quite-as-hard is the motto here.

  1. Use your family and friends

Ask people around you to test you and give you feedback. You should already have made handy revision notes/flash cards/mind maps. Why not give these notes to your family and friends and ask them to test you? This is not only a good way to revise but also a good way to have a break from the hard work.

  1. Exercise

Physical activity is very important, in particular during intense study time. Get some fresh air. Go for a short walk. Even going for a small 30-minute jog after a day of revision will make a huge difference to your wellbeing. Physical activity increases heart rate which makes the blood circulate faster. This in turn ensures that brain gets more oxygen which increases productivity whilst reducing tiredness and stress. Make sure you eat healthily during revision and exams and try and get a good night’s sleep.

  1. The day of your exam

Make sure you now your exam timetable so you never miss an exam. Make sure you now how long each exam is and how long you need to spend on each question. Make sure you have all the equipment you need for the exam in a clear plastic pencil case. Exam days can be stressful days, especially for the first exam. Make sure you have a healthy breakfast, get into school in good time and have time to look over your revision notes. Leave yourself time to go to the toilet before the exam. Take water into the exam with you to hydrate you, with the label of the bottle removed.

  1. Think positive!

Aim for that Sixth Form/college course/apprenticeship that you want to start that you need the grades for. Remember it’s tough revising and taking exams but there will be an extra long summer holiday at the end of it. Remember, there are plenty of people who did well in life without 100 per cent in every single exam, or who were actually pretty useless at school and university. Your life isn’t over is you don’t ace the exams, so take the pressure off yourself.

Good Luck!