Get Smart Tutoring Complaints Procedure
Parents/guardians are informed during the enrolment process and stated on the conditions of enrolment that, should they feel at any time that they have reason for complaint or concern regarding the quality of service provision, in the first instance they should speak to the teacher. If they are still not satisfied, or if they would prefer not to discuss their concerns with the students teacher then they can contact Ambika Pindoria, . If they are still unhappy they can contact the local authority. While we will make every reasonable effort to fairly and quickly resolve any complaint made, when further investigation is required we guarantee that written acknowledgement of the complaint will be provided within 7 working days and we aim to provide further feedback within 28 days of the initial complaint.
If the complaint is specifically about Ofsted requirements:
- Any complaint made in writing or made by e‐mail that relates to the Requirements of the Voluntary Childcare Register (in England) will be fully investigated.
- Any complaint will be dealt with in full within 28 days of receipt of the written complaint, including a written response which will include an account of the findings of the investigation and any action taken as a result.
- Get Smart Tutoring keeps a record of complaints (electronic editable form) which includes:
a. the nature of the complaint,
b. the Ofsted requirement it relates to,
c. how the complaint was dealt with,
d. the outcome of the investigation,
e. any action taken, and
f. whether the parent/guardian was given an account of the findings within 28 days of the date on which the complaint was received. - Complaint report summaries (data protected) are available to parents/guardians and Ofsted on request.
- Complaints records are kept for three years, in line with Ofsted requirements. They are saved in the centre’s Ofsted One Drive Complaints Electronic folder.
If the complainant is not happy they can take their complaint directly to Ofsted. Complaints made to Ofsted about a provider may be referred to the provider for investigation.
Ofsted Complaints Line: 0300 123 1231
Customer Conduct
At Get Smart Tutoring we aim to create an inclusive environment of respect and dignity, supporting British values, in line with our Equal Opportunities policy. As staff, we always want to create a welcoming environment where everyone is listened to and treated as an individual.
Respect is a value we promote in all of our tutoring and information sessions with children and we ask for the same polite respect from our customers. We therefore do not tolerate aggressive or abusive behaviour directed at our staff members and directors. Our staff will always politely and respectfully ask customers to stop using this named kind of language or behaving in this way. This is in line with our conduct policy. If this named kind of language or behaviour continues, our staff can stop the conversation and remove themselves from the situation. Get Smart will politely escort clients showing this named behaviour off our premises or seek support from local police officers.