What makes Get Smart Tutoring even better than 1-1 home tuition?
- A free no-obligation academic assessment is offered to every child.
- Unique diagnostic tools, as well as 25 years of expertise, are used to identify your child’s learning needs and strengths and to make recommendations for improvement.
- Effective teaching and learning using a mixture of computer programs, workbooks, structured bespoke worksheets, exam papers, and weekly homework.
- Motivational techniques to build confidence and improve results.
- Individualised lessons for your child every week- children work at their own pace, to their own individualised tuition plan.
- Flexibility – sessions after school (Monday to Thursday ) and on Saturday mornings.
- Consistency – there will always be a regular teacher maintaining consistency week by week.
- Feedback – parents are given feedback on their child’s progress after every session
- Homework is set and marked.
- Teachers are experienced with Qualified, Teacher Status, Hold Enhanced Disclosure, and are Child Protection Trained.