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Here are some of the common learning disabilities that some students might have to deal with. This is a great way to educate yourself  and if you do require further information or assistance you can visit  the NHS website; (

 1) Dyslexia

2) Dyscalculia


4) Irlen (Scotopic Sensitivity) Syndrome

 1. Dyslexia

A complex condition still not fully understood. Dyslexia is a disability that alters the way in which the brain processes written material. Students tend to read and write at a lower level than is typical for their age and intelligence.

 2. Dyscalculia

A condition that severely affects the ability to acquire arithmetic skills. Students have difficulty in understanding simple number concepts and have problems learning number facts and procedures. These students need a lot of patient repetition and individual attention on an ongoing basis. Further information can be found at:


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. We have taught many children with ADD/ADHD over the past 20 years at our tutoring centre with varying degrees of success.

 4. Irlen (Scotopic Sensitivity) Syndrome

Many children and adults suffer from Irlen Syndrome, a perceptual dysfunction that commonly affects the ability to read and write. This is not a vision problem that can be corrected by orescription spectacles but needs the correct diagnosis by an Irlen trained diagnostician. 10-15% of the general population suffers from this condition. It can cause distortions of the printed page, leading to eyestrain, reading and comprehension difficulties, headaches and frustration. In moderate to extreme cases the print can blur, move or swirl around the page. Many sufferers report severe light sensitivity. Fluorescent lighting is to be avoided in particular for these students who will need a separate light source that can be dimmed if needed.

Questions to ask students you think may be at risk are as follows:

When reading:

–       do you ever skip words or lines?

–       Do you often lose your place and use your finger to help you read?

–       do your eyes get red, watery, tired or sore?

–       does fluorescent lighting bother you? Do you prefer reading in dim light?

–       do the words ever move, get blurry or change on the page?

–       do you have trouble remembering or understanding what you read?

–       do you frequently have to look away or take breaks?

–       do you ever get a headache or feel sick in the tummy?

 Thanks for the contribution by Dianne Anderson

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