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Here are 8 hand tips to help your child with their concentration and study habits.

1. Keep the environment they are working in calm and distraction-free. 

2. Break down the workload into bite-size chunks. 

3. Recommended to remove the phone around your child whilst revising or studying. 

4. Regular breaks , letting out energy and doing some light exercise. 

5. Exercising your child’s ability to focus and concentrate 

6. Set planned targets and deadlines 

7. Creating a timetable for study 

8. The more your rest your mind the easier it will get to focus when its time to. 

 1. Reduce distractions 

Children may find it difficult to focus on a specific topic and tend to get distracted by things such as, loud music, noises, flashing lights and anything else that might catch a child’s attention. 

 Keep the environment they are working in calm and distraction-free. 

2. Spread out workload 

Dividing out work into sections can work out really nicely for a child, as working through smaller tasks and moving to completion of the major task will seem like progress is being made and there is less resistance. 

A big task requires more concentration and work from a child, so going through smaller tasks would seem easier for a child 

without realising that they are in fact working towards the whole homework task. 

 Break down the workload into bite-size chunks. 

3. Mobile phones and Television 

Some parents allow their children to watch TV whilst doing homework; the problem is, this does distract their attention. Text messages and other social media can also cause interruption with your child’s learning. 

 Recommended to remove the phone around your child whilst revising or studying. 

4. Breaks while studying 

Breaks are important during a study session. Children can get restless and annoyed if they are stuck studying for hours without breaks. The break shouldn’t last too long, just enough for your child to go out and play and exercise to vent out any extra energy, this would make it easier for them to concentrate. 

 Regular breaks , letting out energy and doing some light exercise. 

5. Let them do activities and play games which require focus 

Children can adapt a lot from games and activity, you can train and strengthen your child’s ability to concentrate through fun games, which can be bought. 

Children love playing games and tend to adapt a lot of different things from them, so making sure they are playing games which require the use of mind and concentration can really help your child focus. 

 Exercising your child’s ability to focus and concentrate 

6. Set completion times 

It is important to let your child know when the certain task should be completed by, e.g. 10 minutes, 20 minutes etc. This 

will drive your child to complete the task and focus to meet the deadline; otherwise your child might not focus and work really slowly. 

 Set planned targets and deadlines 

7. Doing work at the same time everyday 

Repeating the same activity at the same time everyday turns into a habit. This will be good for your child, as they will know each day that it is time to work and to start concentrating. 

There will be less effort required to concentrate and the your child’s mind will know that it is time to work, and will be more willing to study. 

 Creating a timetable for study 

8. Enough sleep/rest 

Ensure the child has had enough sleep at night and also some sort of rest during the day. 

 The more you rest your mind the easier it will get to focus when its time to.

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